Quick update

We have been busy around here.  We tried to get things organized at home this weekend, which took all weekend and the mess is back again 😦  This evening is Tracy’s memorial service, so we will be heading to that after dinner. I’m sure its going to be a late night since the service starts at 7:30pm and then the reception afterwards.  I’m getting the kids ready for school so I have to go but here are pictures that I took the other day.  Hopefully I can get pics of Joselyn and Janelle sooner or later.

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Kid free weekend

Shaun and I had a kid free weekend, well since Thursday we were kid free 🙂  Guess what we did all weekend? NOTHING!  Saturday I went to the free garage sale on the military base with Ginger but besides that we spent time together at home and cleaned 🙂  Yesterday all of the kids came back and the house is destroyed but its nice having them back and everything is back to normal today.  Not much else happening here, boring I know 🙂

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Tracy passed away

She passed away around 1:45pm today, keep the family in your prayers!

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I am so excited that its his birthday, I’m still a child, I know lol  Jasmyn woke up this morning and said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY” and then she asked me how old he was, I said “28” and she said “wow, he grew up so fast.”  lol  Jasmyn, Jaylen and I made his cake this morning because we have so much to do today.  Karlee’s mom will be here around noon to get Karlee and then I will be running Joselyn and Janelle to meet my brother up in Manassas somewhere. I’m hoping to be back here by the time Shaun gets home from work, but he wanted a PS3 for his birthday so thats what he got and he has to pick it up tonight 🙂

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Janelle got glasses!

We picked Janelle’s glasses up last night and she looks so cute. The first thing Joselyn said was “whatta dork!”  I yelled at her and she then said “she does look cute but I didn’t want to say that.” I guess its easier to be mean then it is to be nice?  I tried to take a picture and Jaylen was fighting with me about the camera so this is the best pic for now lol

I’m off to buy Shaun’s stuff for his birthday tomorrow, He wants Strawberry cake *gag* so thats what he’ll get 🙂

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Sad days :(

The kids have been doing great, they are all going away this weekend so of course they are excited 🙂

Tracy is in really bad shape, the doctors say it will only be a matter of days before she passes.  Mona and I went to see her yesterday (Thank you mona for going with me, nobody ever wants to go through this and it was nice to have you there by my side) its so sad to see Tracy going through this.  Its been very hard on me, sometimes I don’t even know how to cope but I try to keep it together for the kids.  Shaun has been very understanding and supportive which helps so much, hes been here for the kids and myself and helping the kids understand whats going on.  Tracy says she is at peace and is ready to pass, now its just a matter of time 😦  Please keep her kids and her family in your prayers, we are all supporting each other but its still so hard!  Thats all for now.

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Choo Choo!

I got Jaylen a train table!!!!  I’m so excited, hes really getting in to Thomas the Train and has a bunch of matchbox cars.  I went and picked it up this morning, and was going to wait and keep it for his birthday BUT…I gave it to him 🙂  He loves it and Jasmyn does too, it does take up A LOT of space but oh well.  I was going to post a picture but I don’t feel like getting up to take the pictures, lazy huh?  I’ll post one later.

Joselyn, Janelle and Jasmyn are at the neighbors house and I’m going to try to get Jaylen to take a nap so I can take one too, he has been up since 5:45am 😦  I don’t know how he has so much energy because I’m seriously exhausted.  Alright, Going to get lunch so I can get him to sleep.

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Its Fridaaaaaaay!

I am so glad that its Friday, what a crazy week.  The kids had a good week at school, today was “popcorn Friday” so they are always excited for that.  They take .25 on Fridays and get a bag of popcorn WOOHOO, right? lol They enjoy it though, so thats all that matters.

Jasmyn is getting so bored without Joselyn and Janelle.  Last year she was in school but this year we weren’t sure/ still aren’t sure where we’re going to end up so we didn’t enroll her, MISTAKE!  Tracy’s mom is looking into getting her into the pre-k class at the high school where she works.  The classes are full but I’m sure she’ll figure something out, I hope she figured something out lol

AND Jaylen…..

Enough said!

Shaun and I are doing great 🙂  I’ve been so worried about Tracy so please keep her, and the family in your prayers.  Every time I see her or pics it breaks my heart to see her going through this.  Savannah and Laila are really acting out so keep them all in your prayers!

Left to right is Savannah, Kallie, Tracy and Laila

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Janelle needs glasses :(

So we went to the eye doctor last night, we were there from 5:45pm-8:15pm.  For some reason I took Jasmyn with me, she wasn’t bad but she was so bored.  Anyway, Joselyn’s eyes are perfect and the doctor suggested BIFOCALS for Janelle 😦   I tried to talk him out of it but he was pretty sure she would be able focus faster/better with bifocals. So I went in to get Janelle’s glasses ordered and the man in there told me that I could just order 2 separate pair of glasses instead of the bifocals because it was going to cost me around $130.00 after insurance. I went ahead and listened to him, ordered 2 separate pair of glasses, one for reading only and the other pair will be for her to wear all of the time. I was only charged $8.00 since we decided to go that way 🙂 After we left, she made the comment that kids pick on her about her freckles and now the glasses. I told her she’ll be fine and she looks cute with the glasses, so she comes in the house and says to Shaun “Daddy I gotta get glasses” and he said “and you’re happy about that?” What in the hell!? I was pissed and I let him know it! MEN!

Shaun did take Jaylen and Karlee to the park while we were gone, poor baby stood in the window when we were leaving and cried and screamed, I almost went back in the house to get him but there is no way he would have sat for that long.

I hope we can stay home and relax this evening 🙂

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Busy with appointments

Its Wednesday and we have had appointments every day so far this week, including an appointment this eveing at 6:00pm.  Joselyn and Janelle both failed their vision test, so we are off this evening to see if they need glasses.

Next Thursday Joselyn and Janelle are going with Todd (my brother) until Sunday, Jasmyn loves Todd and Holly but no way in hell am I letting her go to PA with him.  I think Jasmyn and Jaylen are going to be staying with Mona for a few days while Joselyn and Janelle are away.

And one more thing before I go, for those of you that keep up with Tracy.  She was moved to the hospice hospital center in Arlington on Monday night 😦  They are trying to get her stable enough to come home, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

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