Choo Choo!

I got Jaylen a train table!!!!  I’m so excited, hes really getting in to Thomas the Train and has a bunch of matchbox cars.  I went and picked it up this morning, and was going to wait and keep it for his birthday BUT…I gave it to him 🙂  He loves it and Jasmyn does too, it does take up A LOT of space but oh well.  I was going to post a picture but I don’t feel like getting up to take the pictures, lazy huh?  I’ll post one later.

Joselyn, Janelle and Jasmyn are at the neighbors house and I’m going to try to get Jaylen to take a nap so I can take one too, he has been up since 5:45am 😦  I don’t know how he has so much energy because I’m seriously exhausted.  Alright, Going to get lunch so I can get him to sleep.

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