Potty training or lack of….

Jaylen has been doing really good with potty training, no accidents for 2 whole days but refuses to use the potty for a bowel movement. He picked out some cars underwear and he pooped in them, I threw them out, he cried and he STILL won’t go in the potty. How in the heck do you make a child poop in the potty? The girls were never this difficult so it must be a boy thing? lol I just don’t know what to do about this, I read on the internet to stay positive and don’t let the child know that you are frustrated *yeah ok* the frustration is getting the best of me. Any ideas or tips?

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I’ve been missing in action

I know I say it every time I post but we have been busy lol  Seriously, working AND having kids were not supposed to go hand in hand, this is terrible, I’m stressed all of the time and I never knew what running in circles was until I started working AND having 4 kids *sigh*  SOOOO…. anyways, my babysitter quit on me today *little asshole*  She has 2 children of her own ages 8 months and 3 years old plus having Jaylen and Jasmyn during the day.  She said she was overwhelmed and can’t watch them anymore AAAAHHHH!  I swear, once we THINK we have everything together, something F’n happens!  Jaylen and Jasmyn were JUST getting used to her and now this.  Thank God for Mona (Shaun’s mom)  The kids will be staying with her for the next week or so,  I have to work Christmas Eve but Shaun is going to go to Maryland and pick the kids and Mona up so they can come home for Christmas.  They are so excited that Mona will be her Christmas morning 🙂

Anyways… I gotta run!

Oh yeah, got a sample from mixedchicks.net fo rJasmyn’s hair and I LOVE it.. her hair was so easy to do and I took some pictures of her AFTER her hair dried. It wasn’t a puff ball, dry etc.. it was PRETTY!  Don’t mind her water mustache lol100_5766

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Getting ready to start the day

I have about 20 minutes before I leave for work, so I thought I would post real quick.

The kids are all sitting here watching The Santa Claus movie and I have nothing else to do 🙂  It’ll all flip upside down in about 20 minutes when I try to walk out the door and have Jaylen and Jasmyn both screaming and crying as they hang onto my legs.  Jaylen has his socks on… his shoes on (1 cars shoe, 1 Thomas shoe and they are on the wrong feet) hes ready to go to work with me 😦  I told him that Suzy (sitter) was coming and he cried and said “NOOOOOO”  My poor babies 😦  Its been a month now since I started working and they still absolutely hate it, It’ll get better, right?  Well I better finsih getting Joselyn and Janelle’s coats and backpacks together so I can take them to school. Hope everyone has a good day 🙂

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A cute picture I took

Jasmyn Loves our Christmas tree 🙂


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Crazy, busy!

I seriously have no time to come online anymore.  Ok I do, but its for 5 minutes here or there.

We had a really good Thanksgiving, I cooked lunch here at our house and then we headed to Bowie, MD to Shaun’s cousins’s house.  The kids had a blast there, they always do when we visit with his family.  We didn’t get to stay long since I had to work yesterday but we all enjoyed it while we were there.

Shaun got up yesterday morning because I REALLY wanted the Christmas tree that I saw in the Wal-mart ad for $25.00.  I mentioned it to him and he said he’d get up at 4:00am to go stand in line to get it, he came home and then we put the tree up 🙂  This is the 2nd year in a row that I have wanted something and he got up early to go get it.  Last year I had no excuse, except that I’m lazy and didn’t want to get out of my warm bed… he just got up and went to get my stuff lol This year, I had to be at work at 10:00am so I needed my sleep 🙂  He is such a good husband (most of the time).  He is now off to the bank… I got paid last Friday(21st) and my check is still pending and not available.  I don’t know wth is going on with it but it seems like its one thing after another here, hopefully he can get it all figured out.

I think I’m going to make some brownies with the kids today and I also want to get started on the Christmas pictures, we’ll see how it all goes.  Jaylen is putting the cat in a box so I better go save the poor thing.  I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!


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We are seriously so busy!  I know from the past that it is hard to work and then come home and take care of kids but its so FREAKEN hard.  OMG!  I work from 9-3, go get Joselyn and Janelle from school, come home and help with homework, snacks, dinner, baths, etc and its HARD!  I just want to be at home with Jasmyn and Jaylen and we are trying to make it happen.  With financees going crazy, we need some kind of other income so we can start saving.  Life sucks sometimes but it will all get better, at some point and time.  I gotta go now and get the kids from school.

Hi Amy!  I miss you too 🙂

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Get a life!

Seriously, y’all need to have another child or something,  I have 4 kids…I don’t have time to post on this blog daily!  Maybe, just maybe if you would leave a comment *hint hint* then I would know that someone, anyone is reading my blog and then MAYBE I would post more.  I think y’all like to read my blog because my craziness makes y’all feel sane 🙂

We have been crazy, busy though. I’m back to work, Jasmyn and Jaylen HATED daycare so I pulled them out after the 3rd day.  They are now at my friends house while I work, the women up in the daycare were so freaken ghetto and they seemed to be in a world of their own.  There were cameras at the daycare where Shaun could watch them on his computer from work and he said that they never once picked Jaylen up and he cried for about 3 hours!!!!!  I was livid so yeah, I pulled them.  I hate my job too after 4 days so now I’m looking for a new job lol  Life is just crazy right now so y’all are gonna have to deal for a while.

Amy wanted me to post a picture of her son (shes proud)…. I have to resize it since she sent it life-size, I know you’re proud Amy but next time resize it *wink wink*  He is such a cutie…. here he is 🙂




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Yes, I know I’m a slacker!

I was reminded today that I am a slacker (Thanks Amy!) Not only that but I was questioned on whether I like the cat more then Jaylen because the cat comes before Jaylen in our family pictures (above)  Nope… that is not the case, y’all have too much time on your hands *cough cough* LISA! lol

I start working tomorrow at the preschool so I have been busy getting Jaylen and Jasmyn ready for the adjustment and getting all of their papers etc for them to go into pre-k.  We had a fun Halloween, I took the kids out trick or treating and to a festival that is by our house.  The kids had a blast and we ended up staying for about 3 hours.  Besides that, there is not much of anything else going on.  Same stuff, different day 🙂


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It’s bitter sweet, my baby is 2 years old today, Before we know it he’ll be in kindergaten 😦  We had his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on Sunday (Thanks Ted) so we are just going to do cake and ice cream this evening.  Here are a couple of pictures of Jaylen throughout the last 2 years.

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We made it through the week.

Monday night was really hard on us all, I thought that with the memorial service it would kind of seal up all of the hurt from Tracy passing but instead it brought it all back.  Joselyn and Janelle took it pretty hard and Jasmyn swears thats she saw a circus at Miss Tracy’s funeral (weird) but whatever lol  Things are starting to get better again but the pain is still there for everyone, it is still such a shock even though we knew it was coming.  Tracy’s mom has been on me about starting to talk to my mom again, ummmm I do talk to her but we will never go there for Christmas or anything else. Nope, no thank you!

We are TRYING to potty train Jaylen, hes been doing ok but not great lol  He’s in the feel and learn pull ups and I’m not sure how much those are doing for him. Oh well!  I better get off of here and put them down for a nap 🙂

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