Daily Archives: November 29, 2008

Crazy, busy!

I seriously have no time to come online anymore.  Ok I do, but its for 5 minutes here or there.

We had a really good Thanksgiving, I cooked lunch here at our house and then we headed to Bowie, MD to Shaun’s cousins’s house.  The kids had a blast there, they always do when we visit with his family.  We didn’t get to stay long since I had to work yesterday but we all enjoyed it while we were there.

Shaun got up yesterday morning because I REALLY wanted the Christmas tree that I saw in the Wal-mart ad for $25.00.  I mentioned it to him and he said he’d get up at 4:00am to go stand in line to get it, he came home and then we put the tree up 🙂  This is the 2nd year in a row that I have wanted something and he got up early to go get it.  Last year I had no excuse, except that I’m lazy and didn’t want to get out of my warm bed… he just got up and went to get my stuff lol This year, I had to be at work at 10:00am so I needed my sleep 🙂  He is such a good husband (most of the time).  He is now off to the bank… I got paid last Friday(21st) and my check is still pending and not available.  I don’t know wth is going on with it but it seems like its one thing after another here, hopefully he can get it all figured out.

I think I’m going to make some brownies with the kids today and I also want to get started on the Christmas pictures, we’ll see how it all goes.  Jaylen is putting the cat in a box so I better go save the poor thing.  I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!


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