Daily Archives: November 11, 2008

Get a life!

Seriously, y’all need to have another child or something,  I have 4 kids…I don’t have time to post on this blog daily!  Maybe, just maybe if you would leave a comment *hint hint* then I would know that someone, anyone is reading my blog and then MAYBE I would post more.  I think y’all like to read my blog because my craziness makes y’all feel sane 🙂

We have been crazy, busy though. I’m back to work, Jasmyn and Jaylen HATED daycare so I pulled them out after the 3rd day.  They are now at my friends house while I work, the women up in the daycare were so freaken ghetto and they seemed to be in a world of their own.  There were cameras at the daycare where Shaun could watch them on his computer from work and he said that they never once picked Jaylen up and he cried for about 3 hours!!!!!  I was livid so yeah, I pulled them.  I hate my job too after 4 days so now I’m looking for a new job lol  Life is just crazy right now so y’all are gonna have to deal for a while.

Amy wanted me to post a picture of her son (shes proud)…. I have to resize it since she sent it life-size, I know you’re proud Amy but next time resize it *wink wink*  He is such a cutie…. here he is 🙂




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