Heres the update :)

Something always going on here at our house lol

On the 11th, Jaylen decided to pluck the keys off of the keyboard on my laptop, that is why I haven’t been around, I HATE the desktop computer.  Shaun and I also had  a break from the kids but it was so lonely without them. Joselyn and Janelle are SUPPOSED to come back tomorrow but Mar-bear just called and said Tyler’s truck broke down so she might bring them back on Sunday (always something, huh?)  We(Shaun and I) had a nice time together though, we haven’t even argued since we are usually arguing about the kids lol  Besides the kids, I quit my job today :O  It just wasn’t worth working there, I am a little worried though since Shaun and I plan on moving into a house next month… I know bills (heat, etc) are going to go up since we’re moving from a townhouse to a single family home but Shaun says “everything will be fine”  I SURE AS HELL HOPE SO!  Jasmyn wants me to go upstairs to play “kitchen” with her, God I can’t wait until Joselyn and Janelle get back lol  Thats it for now 🙂

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