Daily Archives: December 3, 2008

Getting ready to start the day

I have about 20 minutes before I leave for work, so I thought I would post real quick.

The kids are all sitting here watching The Santa Claus movie and I have nothing else to do 🙂  It’ll all flip upside down in about 20 minutes when I try to walk out the door and have Jaylen and Jasmyn both screaming and crying as they hang onto my legs.  Jaylen has his socks on… his shoes on (1 cars shoe, 1 Thomas shoe and they are on the wrong feet) hes ready to go to work with me 😦  I told him that Suzy (sitter) was coming and he cried and said “NOOOOOO”  My poor babies 😦  Its been a month now since I started working and they still absolutely hate it, It’ll get better, right?  Well I better finsih getting Joselyn and Janelle’s coats and backpacks together so I can take them to school. Hope everyone has a good day 🙂

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